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Tuesday, June 11, 2013


It is not just the blood, or the blood of sheep and goats would have sufficed. They were tainted with sin just like man. At the flood God said both animals and man was found to have sin within.

It is not that blood is not important, without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. But Jesus' blood did much, much more than animal blood could ever do !

While the blood was still flowing in His body He preached that this is the acceptable year of the LORD. He healed those sick with infirmities. He taught in the synagogues and on the streets. He rewarded those who listened to his Him with treats, loaves of bread and fishes. He tried to explain to the lost the mysteries they could not receive.

And after all was said and done, He laid down His life for us, those that would believe, and He is holding back the wrath of God until the end of the age. That He did for all of mankind. For the yet unborn that will believe coming from the seed of all mankind. He is a merciful and loving God.

Only a blood like that could be pleasing and appeasing to the Father. Only a blood like that can give a man or woman a clear conscience from sin. Not to be reminded again and again by annual sacrifices to God that He doesn't want anyway.

Jesus. Having once and for ever paid the price for our sins, let us move on to other things,
God willing...


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